Salesforce Marketing Cloud Case Study to Improve Luxury Membership Services

Client Requirements

• As a successful, exclusive membership club with thousands of current members, royalty amongst them, this client did not need more members. Instead, it needed a marketing platform to provide more sophisticated member communication, club services, plus a host of automation.

• The client had been using Oracle Service Cloud, a custom Propeller website, and standalone tools to communicate with members. It managed 100+ unique lists based on members’ preferences for newsletters, activity- and interest-group comms.

• The Marketing team had found Oracle too cumbersome to use, so the IT department did the email marketing's 'heavy lifting, and other marketing and sales processes were performed manually.

• Oracle's functionality also did not allow for a new, advanced data strategy envisioned by the CIO, which would match member profiles, preferences, and geo-location usage behavior with planned club events and facility availability.

Our Solution

We designed and delivered the solution in 2 Stages

1. Interim Project

Rapidly migrate from
Oracle to Salesforce Marketing Cloud

•  The company wanted to migrate to Salesforce Marketing Cloud as fast as possible to a new solution, i.e., in 2 weeks, without business disruption.

•  Our Marketing Cloud solution enabled a non-technical marketing team to deliver high-quality club newsletters and a range of other member publications with ease. And saved the club an entire year of Oracle contract value.

2. Transformation Project

Integrate Marketing Cloud with Salesforce Sales
& Community Clouds

•  Integrated data sources for new automated, highly personalized
membership communication, process automation,
and unique member services.

•  The project encompassed the creation of several automated customer
journeys, to begin with; and the setup of the data structure, automation,
and integrations for many more journeys to follow. Some customer
journeys were highly custom to this private club; others were a
bit more standard.


New Marketing Cloud Solution

Offering the club a set of fantastic time- and cost-saving automation; superior customer service; more professional communications; insightful new metrics, and manageable new measures

Create Custom Journeys

For the first time, management is fully aware of the nature and true volume of all its facilities and services across its clubs' sites' bars, restaurants, accommodation, and events, and have this data available.

Marketing Communication

Now, the Marketing department can create 1:1 marketing communication with recommendations and other content that is unique to an individual member's profile with geolocation and demographics, preferences, interests, and spent data

Types of Journey

Tech Stack

   • Salesforce Marketing Cloud with Sales Cloud and Community

   • Cloud, AppExchange Membership Software, SpringCM, DellBoomi

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